Girls and women of India are rising to their full potential! Our blog documents news from our efforts in southern India to educate girls through university level. We also share national news of progress of improving status of girls and women in India. VISIT OUR WEBSITE
A 501(c)organization under Sakthi Foundation

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

October Update on Our School in India

October has been a busy month with the cultural/religious celebration of Navaratri October 1-10th. For Navaratri the students engaged in competition for best artwork, memorization of poetry, and knowledge of their native Tamil language. In a week the festive season of Deepavali will begin. Deepavali is the Festival of Lights and is the equivalent of Christmas/New Years in terms of its almost universal celebration throughout India. The students are studying the significance of these festivals and enjoying celebrating them as well!

Dr. Rajamuni our beloved science teacher has been hard at work with the students. Dr. Rajamuni continues to be a source of fresh inspiration for the school. He is covering topics of pollution, global warming and restoring health to the planet. Older students are studying the structure of atoms and particles of matter. Students in the 6th and 7th grades are enjoying donated microscopes to study cellular biology(see photo below).

We pay Dr. Rajamuni $150 a month and he teaches science to all the students in the middle school. He is an extremely valuable asset for our school and students.  If you would like to sponsor his salary for a month or part of his salary CLICK HERE  Your donation will help us to keep Dr. Rajamuni employed without depleting our science lab fund. Also a reminder that a purchase from our spiritual jewelry line & vedic yantra art directly supports the school.   

Dr. Pradheep Chhalliyil ,our administrative contact here in the USA, will be traveling to our school in December to facilitate the start of the science lab. His expertise will be helpful to insure that the donated money is used to best advantage.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Traveling to India:Science Lab for the Andovar School

I am Travelling to the Porayar School in May! 
Please Help Me Raise Funds for a Science Lab

Hello Everyone!
In last few posts we have been telling you about our new science teacher- Dr. Rajamuni- and his efforts with providing our students at Andovar School with a solid science program. Due to his great success, we have been inspired to act on a long time dream of establishing a science lab for the students in grade 5-9. 

Dr Rajamuni and Students;
Science Lab in the Planning!

We already have a room so with the addition of some cabinets, tables and work benches, we will have a viable space for the lab. The next step is to purchase equipment and materials for conducting experiments and holding demonstrations. We are estimating that we can have a functional and exciting lab for around $5000. A recent, kind donation of a projector is a start in assembling the needed equipment.

I am traveling to the school in May and would like to present the school administrators with a check for $5000 to inaugurate the lab. I am asking for your help to stimulate the blossoming intellects of these underprivileged rural students in Tamil Nadu. Your donation is 100% tax deductible!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Science Lab Fundraiser Appeal

I am Travelling to the Porayar School in May! 
Please Help Me Raise Funds for a Science Lab

Hello Everyone!
In last few posts we have been telling you about our new science teacher- Dr. Rajamuni- and his efforts with providing our students at Andovar School with a solid science program. Due to his great success, we have been inspired to act on a long time dream of establishing a science lab for the students in grade 5-9. 

Dr Rajamuni and Students;
Science Lab in the Planning!

We already have a room so with the addition of some cabinets, tables and work benches, we will have a viable space for the lab. The next step is to purchase equipment and materials for conducting experiments and holding demonstrations. We are estimating that we can have a functional and exciting lab for around $5000. A recent, kind donation of a projector is a start in assembling the needed equipment.

I am traveling to the school in May and would like to present the school administrators with a check for $5000 to inaugurate the lab. I am asking for your help to stimulate the blossoming intellects of these underprivileged rural students in Tamil Nadu. Your donation is 100% tax deductible!

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Photo Update for Our Andovar School in Porayar, Tamil Nadu

Hello everyone! We are pleased to share some recent photos of our school renovations. Classroom space has been expanded and repairs have been made from the flooding last fall. This month the roof is being installed on the new classroom space. All this work has been generously supported through your donations! Thank you.

Workers preparing to install the roof

Corrugated metal roofing sheets
We are also pleased to post some photos of Dr. Rajamuni our new science teacher at work inspiring the students. He has started on his second month of teaching our students. Notice the new science books and materials.

Dr. Rajamuni on left posing with our school administrator
Mr. Venkatesh

Dr. Rajamuni with students and
new science materials

Girls on break

Boys with Dr. Rajamuni

Saturday, February 27, 2016

New Science Teacher Enriches Andovar School! Introducing Dr.P. Rajamuni

Students Intently Listening to Dr. Rajamuni's lecture

We are pleased to announce the addition of a wonderful teacher to our Andovar School Faculty. Dr. P. Rajamuni has been teaching our students Science since the beginning of February. Dr. Rajamuni is from south India and has a PhD in Biotechnology from Madurai Kamaraj University. We are fortunate to have such an esteemed teacher to help our students excel in Science. 

Some of the topics he has introduced this month include: environmental science- including water, forest and wildlife conservation, combustion, evolution of the species, photonics, microscopic life and more!  Dr. Rajamuni finds the students attentive, with good interest and focus, and of course, sometimes playful and mischievous! He is enjoying his work so far.

India celebrates National Science Day on February 28th each year. Dr. Rajamuni guided the students to create science charts all month long. These are colorfully displayed in the classroom-see above.

Thanks to our wonderful school administrators, faculty, staff and donors like yourself our school is rising to provide an even higher level of education for our students. We hope you enjoyed this blog post. Please consider sharing it with friends. Our goal is to build a new school with science labs, library and computer rooms. We can't do it without your help. Thank you! Marie

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Expansion and Repairs Underway at Andovar School in India

After the flooding in South India in October and November of last year, our school was left with significant damage and problems. Due to the generosity of our donors the process of repair and rebuilding is under way. Here is the photo of the top floor of one of our buildings right after the flooding.

Below is the current view of the same area now that repair work is underway. The mold from weeks of standing water has been cleaned. The brick walls have been repaired and strengthened. Wooden awnings have been installed on the outside of the lower floor windows and the metal roof for the top floor is ready to be installed.

Soon the students will be able to use their classrooms again. Currently they are in very cramped quarters while the repairs are underway.

 Many thanks to all of you who came to the aid of our students!

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Celebrating the South Indian Festival of Pongal at Andovar School!

Help Fulfill Our Student's Dream in 2016

Dear Friends of Andovar School in Tamil Nadu, India

I am pleased to share with you photos of our school's celebration of the festival of Pongal. The harvest festival of Pongal is celebrated by the people of Tamil Nadu from Jan.13-16. It is a festival that marks the Sun's shift to its 6 month journey northward. It is primarily a festival to thank the Sun and all the laws of Nature for a bountiful harvest-especially of rice.
Deity statues are beautifully dressed and decorated
 for the occasion of Pongal

The festival is celebrated by Tamil people throughout the world-and especially in the state of Tamil Nadu. Our school celebrated in the traditional way. The first rice of the season is boiled with milk in an open courtyard until it boils over.

Beautiful drawings of spiritual significance are made outside of homes, temples and other public places. Homes are decorated with mango and banana leaves. It is a time to celebrate abundance and all the blessings of Mother Nature.

Our school administrators preside over the festivities as the students look on. 

After the rice and milk have cooked and have been spiced to create the dish called "Pongal" everyone has a taste and enjoys other sweets and savories as part of the celebration. In the photo below, our students dressed in their best enjoy the feast.

The students at Andovar School celebrate all of the major holidays of each religion Hindu, Muslim and Christian so that the students gain and understanding of each other, each culture and its special place in Indian culture and the world.